Monday, February 29, 2016

Fearing the first tug bug, lack of creates quick willie wetness.

Happily anticipating my Lady She Wolf's arrival, and yet concerned that at least for our first few rounds at least the first one is going to be a one if not hardly that pump chump. It's the fearing of the first tug bug, not that Harley can't perform, nor will not have enough juice, but hey its been what now? 15 years since I have had any serious action in the nap sack, at least by someone real. The thing is it scares me to death, that for once, I'm going to be in a situation condition, where Harley will not fear of having a rain coat, or not, or that there will not be a mount dismount, add to that if SheWolf is going to be able to keep a smile on me for longer than a quick stick, that you know that these 
 are what lights my desire fire, however that said, I'm very sure that a different hand and real flesh brushing over Harley and all is going to have him done in less than 30 seconds. Over time I'm sure the duration will improve, but I am fretting a bit on that, just a bit.
See Ya'll in the AM, I am in the Wolf's Den much to do, to get my Lady SheWolf out here.

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