Saturday, April 23, 2016

Due to circumstances beyond our control no RodeWolf FM online until noon , and does she wear nylons? Still ?

Due to circumstances beyond our control no RodeWolf FM online until 12:00 PM or noon, Mountain Standard Time. Seems either our uplink from AllWest or the pickup from Livestream is outta whack, so we can't get a none recycling strong signal out, so we're just running OTA(Over the Air.) . This seems to be an ongoing situation, and one we're looking to cure before fall, mainly relocate the main station back into Metro-Utah, where 1 and 2 gig symetrical cyber links can be had. Then retransmit here OTA as well as online from our translator station at both AM 1240, as well as FM 104.7. 
So caught a few pics from quite a few of those not being lucky enough to catch a date, that were posting biker pics and others. Some leggy , some not so much, but in short enough skirts and shorts, that just begged the question, does she wear nylons with that? I always get asked why I wonder about that final finish piece on a lady. I always say that wearing nylons with anything short skirted or mini shorts, just adds a bit of class and finish, rather than the I don't care, trashy look. The other reason, and I always hope to catch a glimpse if any of her toes. I started this trend back in 1979 when we first aired our first TV add for our towing service on KMVT 11. Because of network censors if you shot a commercial or TV show that showed a lot of leg, they had to have at least nylons covering them. Example, Cathy Bach aka Daisy Duke, had to wear nylons with her trademarked shorts. Back then I created an ad, from two inspirations. One was from a Yellow Page ad from a tow service in Star Valley Wyoming that read as a tag or slogan, " We don't want your arms or legs, just your toews." Playing on the words TOE and TOW. Then a few months later I saw an ad for a plumbing company in Boise where at the end of one of their TV ads, it read , " We treat our customers like Royalty" Where the plumber kissed this upity woman's hand. So I thought do something southern kountry(mis=spelled on purpose) yet along the lines of Cinderella . Where at the end of our ad, I'd kiss the gals toes in nylons of course, with the end tag, we LuV Toewz. Since then , the first thing I always look at first on a lady is her legs followed by her in nylons , followed by her toes in those hose. Ever since then if a gal wants my undivided attention, its dainty toes in nylons or my attraction attention, will not be so singular.  The first gal who did that was Ace's old lady Claressa from Hazzard, the next was a gal from Emmett Idaho, named Cynthia who chose to wear the minimalist of clothing yet tasteful, followed by Robin , (Miss Dixie Diesel 1993, then Erin, our Nurse GoodBody. Emme Lee, also did that, unfortunately her involvement with the production company was way too short. But Emme, did leave the idea, of taking the two words TOE and TOW and scrunching them together as TOEW. and that's how that happened. 
So in closing here so I can catch some snooze time, no overnight run for RodeWolf FM due to a computer tech problem, but we'll be back on about noon to 13:00 Hours(1:00PM) and next time your looking at a gal in yoga pants, or mini skirt, or near mini skirt ask or attempt to determine, "Is she wearing Nylons with that?" .

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