So just before I went to sleep, and on the parking on my last entry, our advisor Pam emails me I ought to not bad mouth the town and I'd get a long better.
So , I had a whole thing of how nice the place is, that there are, albeit you really need to hunt them out, but good nice people here and all, but then I get some noise from Andrea, who thinks, and its nearly mirror of that Brittany Evans, that interned here, except its brew not coffee that you deserve to be paid, before you really do any work. So we met with Pam at Annas coffee shop here a very quaint place for a pint of java in a cup, and I tried to get a conversation going with Andrea, but she was in a big hurry. Bottom line if she wants to earn a living working for us fine, but this gal seems to feel she's entitled to a pay check, not willing to earn a paycheck. This is the concept, inbred in peoples minds since Obama continued the all the time, no matter what financial aid from both Social Security, as well as a bunch of state aid. Now I'm not saying I don't carry a EBT card, and I do collect SSI, but that comes as part of my disability, military pension benefits, and I'm busting MY butt on my own, in my own way so to not have to be making my living off of the tax payers backs. There are times on my own, I have lost my power, heat, and went hungry, but I learned that you as its in the Marine manual, Shelter, heat, food. I take care of that first, but I'm into making my own money so I can tell Social Security in 6 months or so, thank you, but now I can take care of myself. I'm blessed by the fact that because of my tight relationship with the Knytes, that I have their hand on my shoulder to help me pay my stuff and create business's of my own, both independent of the club like my shop and towing company, and directly related to the club, like the radio station and/or bars. The way I look like it, if I can extend a bit of kindness to someone else struggling, to make their own and gain employment fine, but I'm not going to beg, and I'll damn not going to play games. Jump in or stay out, there's no in between.
So went out to the shop, topped off fluids in the General JaXson, then on way home to eat something, and get the radio show produced. When Pam reminded me of the send off dinner to the Director of the local C-of-C here, so I went. So I did. Of course Samantha was tending bar, and I just love her silly. One once we're up and flowing I plan on getting involved in the Boars Nest. Pam introduced me to many people, and the new dudes on the C-of-C, and some others. Met this gal in a red shirt a blonde of course, that would be great as a pin up for the ads for HazzardAyre, but decided to withhold talking to her about it, at least at this dinner. Then met another cop, that's supposed to be a pro cook, and one that sat next to me that if allowed, would not be opposed to getting to know better. But the rest that was there, were very standoffish. Nothing new, as this is after all , Evanston. I chatted with the assistant director or an employee anyway of the C-of-C, but except for Pam, I felt very isolated. And this is the way the C-of-C here is to encourage membership? No way, but I did have a very okay meal, not great, but okay tasting meal. Made a few contacts and even was I think thawing the ice of the folks at NGL.
In between all of this, my xyl Shelly was texting me. I flat told her that unless and until she repays me for some of the money spent on her, here. Not to call me. I just don't need this. I don't want her, she stung me really bad, and I just don't have time for her, or her bs. And text wise hung up.
Now to my first points. Evanston as a town is a very peaceful and beautiful place to live. The crisp nights and early mornings, the sun that crests over the mountains at dawn, the sunsets, the mule deer just outside my door, and the people? From Mark my Bishop, Pam, Nate, Rick, my friends at Jody's Diner, and the pilot, Lexi, a few of the cops, there's all kinds of great people here. My property manager Janet of the Wentworth here, all those nice loving people at Church, Judy, not her sister, but Judy, Dave, and the folks at Walmart, the list goes on. Its not that bad. But they too are very picky as am I who they relate to, as well as work for. Being stubborn to at least try to get on our station's A-Team, to become on air's, as well as systems engineers, regular engineers, ad sales people and so on, would be nice if we rather I could get some excitement going there. But likewise outside of vocational challenges these people are very kind. That's why I'm looking into sinking down roots here, and buy a house, and make Evanston my home.
So I don't say bad things about the town to insult, I bitch because this town can do so much and I'd like to be one of many , but one who kicks it in the ass to get it moving.
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