Sunday, January 1, 2017

this is why I'm certainly the wolf in amongst the sheep

At what point can one, not of a family, turn around in the church pew and tell the little snot nosed child behind you to just shut the heck up. More over tell the
Got back here to lala land of Etown, and rather than just go home to catch a few snoose winks decided to go to our ward. The Coe/McFadden family because of not bringing their vehicles to me, are broke down and because of flu like symptoms decided not to be there at Church. So I went. Bishop wasn't there, but his family decided to sit beside me , so I was walking on egg shells any way. On one side my rebellious ways wanted to spin around and tell that family to shut those squirming youngn's up, but with the Bishops wife next to me , decided due to protocol to just bite my tongue. Normally besides a slight pest these noisy children are not a real bother, but Brother Deen is someone I can sit and listen to for hours, and hours, except not this morning. I had to lean forward just to hear him, Then Sister and Brother Welling spoke, but both I'm not that close to , the subjuct was more directed to New Years resolutions. I have one for most of the ward, the Uinta View Ward of the LDS Church, quit being so damn stuck up. Accept those that do not dress or are like you, especially those of us born into the Church, not those who are converts. 
Okay got through New Years Eve. There are dozens of people who love to shoot off fireworks on New Years Eve, as well as the 4th of July, which is hardly Independence Day. I'll honor the 4th as Independence Day, when our beloved Dixie Land is allowed to rise and those who have depressed her are called to stand justice for Dixie's oppression. So off went the Fireworks. Now understand, I enjoy a great party or celebration as well as the next fellow, but firing off fire works around a neighborhood of retire or reassigned Veterans, is not good. The bang, boom, outside a window, or even just a ways in the distance causes flash backs and real terror for a combat veteran. Ones of us who take meds for PTSD and such because of our service are forced to relive memories that we'd rather not,  remember. It's bad enough to sweat that out on TV or a movie, but when its outside our door or window, this is what causes many Veterans to do bizzar things. 
So then went up to the Legal for breakfast. Hey I starve during church. And guess what? Fellow Wolvez, Lexi is back. 
More Later Wolvez.

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