Thursday, May 25, 2017

If you hadn't noticed and thought its your phone or computer its not, Facebook is down, and not accessable

If you noticed or perhaps ya'll didn't, but Facebook is offline. That's right the multi billion dollar indestructable powerhouse of gossip and gab, is down. No notice of why and no news yet as soon as we get some information we'll tell you.
Could it be too much too late? One young seatcover says she is in for the model gig, however except for inking the new Wolf's Lair near Hazzard Idaho, I'm already in a move mode. Found the big mess with LiL Wolf. Not a rear main seal, but the O-ring under the distributor can you say law suit against the jerk who was supposedly supposed to fix it the first time?
Any mile I'm in deep production here for the evening HazzardAyre show, yes we'll be doing HazzardAyre.
But if you can't snag Facebook, on your phone or desktop, its not your computer its Facebook itself, all while Zuckerburg is giving a speech at Harvard. Oh how the mighty has stubbed its toe.

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