Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Beyond TV and/or Radio a staple of information has always been the local newspaper, but does anyone read the newspaper anymore?

Back in late 2014 when I first arrived in this tiny oil gone dry town of Evanston, and saw the decay that was just about everywhere, I turned to the local Newspaper for some degree of news and reading. I love to read. I read every book of interest that I can get my hands on. There's nothing like sitting in your breakfast nook, with your morning 100 mile sea, reading the newspaper. But I began to wonder what quality if any was in our local newspaper, 
  The worse of it was when I went to place ads for our radio ops, and news etc for the club. When I invite someone to lunch to discuss a sale either me selling or buying, I am happy to pay. When someone is selling me something , I expect their firm to pick up the tab. Not in this case, what took place was, I go into the editor/publishers office to discuss doing up a weekly sponsored column of our club, and our activities, sponsored by HCC/RodeWolf Toewing. The answer from him was no, but hell no. But a display ad would be better he thought. My idea was a featured sponsored column would give our display ad a bit more of a bite. So I met with the papers head sales lady, and for a not hardly a 1/3rd page ad, charging me nearly $700.00 , really in a publication, that costs $1.50 to buy with not much filling news, are they nuts? So the thought became, just like radio/TV lets do up a local, fun news rag and see what bounces? But I ask even before we start that phase of our enriching the village of Evanston, does anyone even read ANY newspaper anymore? After all most news can be had online. But too, why so damn much money just to put an ad in a paper? Even both the SLC Trib, and Deseret News does not charge that much per column inch, ($8.00 per column inch) . Why not just do like we do for the radio network of ours? $100.00 per month, with unlimited airings, or as much as we can air that advertiser in a month. It's really hard for a small to medium sized business, to rent or buy a building or store, pay utilities, and all that hits at roughly $2,000.00 a month, and still get the word out about who you are, where your at and why people should buy from you, and paying $700.00 per week, or on our competition station nearly that amount if not more. Why not make it easier? $100.00 a month radio/TV and $50.00 a month in our newsmagazine, each month, allows a smb to grow not be trampled by high advertising rates along with everything else. Sorry Uinta County Herald this village just does not rake in that much each month.  Any mile that's my speel for this overnight edition, have a 8:00AM doohickey so need to hit the rack. 

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